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Wipro Interview Questions

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Wipro Interview Questions Empty Wipro Interview Questions

Post  Admin Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:17 pm

Wipro Interview Questions

1. It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size ofthe bactiria doubles each day, how long did it take for the bactiria to fill one half of dish?

2. What is the difference between the object based language and object oriented langauage?

3. A has some no. of sons & daughters.each son has sisters as twice as brother(s).each daughter has sisters as brothers.how many childrens A has?


4. What is the name given to the process initizlizing a microcomputer with its OS?
A) Cold Booting B) Booting C) Warm Booting D) None of these

5. Desirable attributes for memory management include

A) Protection- such memory should be protected against being written on by other processes

B) Encryption- ability to encrypt data with a randomly selected key that is discarded after use without being disclosed so that data can never read again.

C)Uniform access rates-ability to retard faster data fetch rates so that all data fetches are uniformly performed at the least fast data fetch rate

D)none of t

6. Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 da
Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days,is
A)-a time +365 B) -m time +365 C)-a time -365 D) -m time -365

7. The customer is an internet search engine with hits from global customers exceeding 10 million per day. You identify Knowledge Management as the driving business issue. Which feature is most imp to this customer solution?

A) Single system image B) Speed and performance C) Very large memory, very large database D) H/W Partitioning

7. Unlike function templates, when instantiating a class template, you must explicitly instantiate the class by giving?

A) The parameters for the class templates B) The arguments for the class templates C) The variables for the class templates D) None

8. In private inheritance derived class members can access base class members that are 1) Public 2) Private 3) Protected
A) 1 & 2 B) 1 & 3 C) 2 & 3 D) 1,2 & 3

9. The output of an OR Gate is LOW when:

A) All inputs are LOW B) Any Input is LOW C)Any input is high D) All inputs are HIGH


10. The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3:4.the ratio of their expenditures is 4:5.Find the ratio of their savings if the savings of C if one fourths of his income.

11. Find the minimum value of 3X+4Y if (X*X*X)(Y*Y)=6

Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2007-06-13


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